Published in Jul 2017

Physical and psychological violence of White Europeans against Black people

The physical and psychological violence of White Europeans against Black people which began with African slavery in the Americas has continued to this moment in a myriad of forms:
1) wage slavery and peonage;
2) economic discrimination and warfare;
3) political-economic disenfranchisement;
4) Jim Crowism;
5) general White hostility and Klan terrorism;
6) lynching;
7) injustice and “legal lynching,” the raping of Black women and the killing of Black men by Whites which have gone unredressed by the justice system;
8) the near-condoning and virtual approval of Black-on-Black violence;
9) differential arrests, criminal indictments and incarceration of Whites and Blacks, etc.;
10) segregation;
11) job, business, professional and labor discrimination;
12) negative stereotyping and character assassination;
13) housing discrimination;
14) police brutality;
15) addictive drug importation;
16) poor and inadequate education;
17) inadequate and often absent health care;
18) inadequate family support, etc.

By Maish