Published in Aug 2017

Neo-Nazi European terrorism on the Rise in America

The regime of Donald Trump in America has brought with it the reemergence of the violence and terror from neo-Nazi alt right groups. Although the American civil war between the northern states and the southern states has long transpired the south which was defeated believes to this day that the south shall rise again. This regional rivalry has led to sectarian violence in the past.

The international community was dismayed to see the reincarnation of the third Reich in the nation that prides itself as “the shining city built on a hill where they shall look from Europe and say that is how we want to be”. Instead the world is watching as domestic terrorist groups march with torches and raise their flags in an effort to intimidate the rising majority groups. A Nazi terrorist rammed his car into counter protestors in Charlottesville, in the state of Virginia. Neo Nazi and KKK have a history of genocide and crimes against humanity.

The President of the United States Donald Trump a Nazi sympathizer himself has refused to show leadership but instead justified the acts of terror as he is afraid of alienating his base. Trump is a reality television star who made his millions on reality TV, beauty pageants and casinos. He owned real estate and was sued several times in the 1970s for housing discriminating against black tenants.

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By Global African History