Published in Oct 2017

Some of us are deluded we need a reality check

What we do not need is for all the research to show Africans are in a mess and someone to come along and say under the illusion of positivity "Do not worry, the Black man is on the rise". This is utter nonsense.

A person lying back on a sofa permanently connected to Facebook and YouTube whose entire legacy is having 4999 friends is offering us a gut feeling that the dire condition of Africans will change.

You cannot change the light from off to on without effort, so how is the condition of a people going to change just on your say so? How is the economic situation going to change when everything good for us gets ZERO support? How is our understanding of history and the current situation going to change when we have no organizations and no one likes to read?

This attitude is not positive, it is the opposite-- it is destructive. It is like being 500 lb overweight, continuing to do nothing about it-- apart from eat more junk food, and saying "I will get back in shape."

This needs to change.

By African Holocaust